March 1 - The siege of Jerusalem
2 Kings 25 is today’s reading.
Disclaimer - this is a tough read from the fact that it is simply a recounting of historical events and has a few names. It's ok to say this isn't a "gripping" reading. Remember the main goal of this 40 days of reading Scripture. This was chosen to advance the big story. The Promised Land didn't last forever. Exile and Captivity came because of disobedience. This will lead us into events like Daniel, etc.
- After reading so many accounts of promising the land, why is this so sad?
- The king of Israel wasn't only God's representative. Like David he was supposed to prefigure the true King: Jesus. Reading about these kings, what makes you so thankful for King Jesus?
- If you get depressed reading this chapter, you have the option of also reading Psalm 31. It is a psalm that would be very fitting for one of God's people going through trials such as described in 2 Kings 25.