Current Worship Series
Setting the right expectations for the Lord’s coming.
An Advent series in Isaiah’s prophecies
To follow along with worship you will find our “Worship Folder” below. The link will open in a new window. Feel free to download or print.
In Person
We’re adhering to all Federal and State recommendations during this time of Covid-19. Masks are required, we are refraning from singing and your worship experience is “touchless”. If you’ve got any questions or concerns simply shoot us an email ( or text (720.833.8873).
Zoom Bible Study
Starting December 2nd
Support During Covid
Just like any small business during these extraordinary times, we here at Peace need you. We thank you in advance for your generosity and continued support of our work sharing Jesus with our community and our world.
General fund donations help us accomplish our day to day operations and are the foundation of our mission work. Additionally we have established a fund for upkeep and improvement of the Pastoral Residence (Parsonage Renew Project 2020). Designations may be made in writing if mailing or selected from the drop down designation list if giving online.
If you are moved to support the work at Peace in Boulder, on-line giving is below or gifts may be sent to;
Peace Lutheran, 2790 Jay Rd., Boulder, CO, 80304